Inspired by the Finnish myths and old, horological traditions, Antti Rönkkö creates his master luxury timepieces in harmony with Finnish roots (Finnish mythology), lifestyle (Finnish silence), and the aesthetic idea of beauty (Finnish design). These Finnish attributes are not just something you see and buy.
They are something you experience — like the unique, luxury, numbered edition timepieces handcrafted in complete silence by Rönkkö. So, sit tight and listen to the story by Lönnrot that inspired Rönkkö to create his masterpieces…

The Forging of the Sampo, 1893, Akseli Gallen-Kallela, Finnish National Gallery


It all started hundreds of years ago, in the far and frozen land of the North, Pohjola. A land to whose coast once floated a wounded wise and ancient man , Väinämöinen. He was relieved to be alive, but all he wanted was to go back home to his beautiful Kalevala. The Mistress of Pohjola, Louhi, used witchcraft to restore his health so he could sail back to his beloved homeland. But nothing in this world comes for free. “You have to get me something in return!” she demanded. She wanted something that did not yet exist. Something that was more powerful than any weapon and more precious than any gold; something that would bring luck and endless wealth to its owner. She wanted Sampo. The old man agreed to the conditions without hesitation, despite having no idea how to obtain this magical item. However, he did have an idea of the only person who might be able to craft it – Ilmarinen. The master blacksmith, hammerer of the sky.

Väinämöinen tricked the blacksmith with a promise of marriage to Louhi’s beautiful daughter as a reward for his work. Excited by this prospect, Ilmarinen crafted the artifact – only to be disappointed when the young maiden rejected his hand and made him return home with nothing. Väinämöinen and Ilmarinen seemed destined to grow old without brides while observing the prosperity of Louhi and were outraged.
“It cannot be!” They vowed to reclaim Sampo. After a long battle, the magical artifact ended up torn apart and fell to the bottom of the sea. Sampo has remained undiscovered ever since.

The Battle of the Sampo


To this day, no one really knows what Sampo is… It can be whatever you want it to be. It should be something that stays with you for a lifetime and passes through generations. It’s something that magically protects the holder and brings them more than money can buy or any words can describe. For Rönkkö, this is the essence of his luxury timepieces.


Inspired by the story of Sampo, the watchmaker Antti Rönkkö set a goal for himself: To recreate the magical artifact. To create an item of the purest quality. To create something out of nothing according to Finnish philosophy – in complete silence and with unbeatable design. Following in the footsteps of the legend, he found his destiny in the creation of his luxury timepiece collection.

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